Category Archives: Useful Tips
What are the Health Benefits of Beginning Your Day with Yerba Mate Energy Drink?
In the fall the sun goes down earlier and rises later. The mood of people begins to change and dragging your body out of bed seems harder to do every day. The work hours may not have changed, and the routine may be the same, but the mornings somehow seem longer. Reaching for the pot of coffee becomes our motivation as the thought of it warms the body as our feet hit the cold floor and we crawl out of bed. We use it to stimulate our body as we try to convince ourselves we have energy to make it through the day. Yerba mate energy drink may be a better alternative to start your day.
Better Ingredients
Your cup of coffee may have flavor depending on the roast of the beans and any additives such as flavored creams, milk, or sugar. Yerba mate energy drinks are full of flavor from the fruits and superfoods that they are created with. Starting the morning with Lemon ginger, peach mango or Acai blueberry drinks not only tastes better but is a healthier choice. These energy drinks are produced with adaptogens, which are natural ingredients designed to bring your body back to homeostasis. Balancing your body gives you a centered feeling to start the day both physically and mentally.
Guarana is a superfood adaptogen in Yerba mate energy drinks that has shown to increase physical stimulus and brain power. Suma Root is another adaptogen found in these energy drinks. Suma root is known as the Brazilian Ginseng, and Ginseng is traditionally used to help with the digestive system and calm fluid in the stomach. Coffee can increase the energy level with caffeine and sugar but there are withdrawal symptoms that can occur. Natural energy drinks offer increased energy that is safe and without the coffee jitters.
Caffeine in the Body
Cortisol is a natural hormone that is created in our bodies. It is a stimulant that is produced often in the morning to begin waking us up, it also is used to get through tasks of the day and in fight or flight situations. This hormone plays an anti-inflammatory role too. When you wake up moody this can be an indicator that your Cortisol levels may be off. Coffee contains caffeine that reacts with the Cortisol and causes spikes. Yerba mate energy drinks also contain some caffeine, but it is lower levels than the average cup of java and it is natural caffeine. The adaptogens in Yerba Mate can also calm the spikes of Cortisol your body produces in the morning.
Starting your day in a calm state and less natural stress from your body can help ensure that there is energy to get through the stress of the day.
Health Benefits
Yerba mate energy drinks have other health benefits from its natural ingredients. Yerba mate contains saponins which is a natural compound that has anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, there are also vitamins that are essential to the immune system. Vitamin C, vitamin E, and zinc. Adding these natural ingredients will not only begin your morning with a healthy start but also will have lasting effects with a healthier immune system.
Listen to what people order for coffee at a local coffee shop and the steps that a barista has to complete in order to make someone’s favorite drink. During the fall pumpkin spice lattes are one of the most common drinks. There is 2% milked steamed and added to espresso, with four shots of pumpkin spice flavoring, finished with pumpkin spice topping and whipped cream. This delicious drink has 390 calories, 150 mg of caffeine and 50g of sugar. Start your day with Yerba mate energy drinks and there is zero sugar, zero calories and 80mg of caffeine. This is a healthier choice to start your day.
If the coffee shop is a must in your daily routine, select simpler drinks to reduce the amount of fats, sugars and calories you are consuming. You can even reduce the amount of espresso added to your specialty drinks. However, if you are looking to make some healthful changes, consider Yerba mate energy drinks as a heathy and tasty way to start your day.
Cord Blood Banking: Cost, Pros, and Cons
After the birth of a baby, some blood remains in the umbilical cord and placenta. It is known as cord blood. The blood is of no use for the baby immediately after the birth but may prove beneficial for family members at later stages in cases of a bone marrow transplant. Public and private cord blood bank store frozen cord blood that can get used when a genetic match requires a transplant. In this article, we will discuss the pros, cons, and costs of cord blood banking. After reading, you can decide whether or not you want to have cord blood storage.
Advantages of Cord Blood Banking
Cord blood contains stem cells that are medically more useful than those from the bone marrow. Pros of cord blood are as follows:
• Receiving stem cells from cord blood is easier than receiving them from bone marrow. The person receiving the cord blood is not matched to the donor as closely in a bone marrow transplant.
• A person’s body is more likely to reject bone marrow than cord blood.
• Cancer patients can use stem cells from cord blood to support the immune system. You cannot use cells from bone marrow in this way.
• Collecting cord blood is a pain-free process. The donor is not at any risk.
• The newborn baby and the mother are not affected in any way by the process of collection. It is a quick process done immediately after the delivery. Whether you have a C-section or normal delivery, it is an uncomplicated process.
• The affordable cord blood bank $ 19.99/month that you choose will freeze and store the cord blood. Whenever a genetic match is in need, the blood will be readily available. A bone marrow transplant is much more complicated.
• You can donate cord blood to a public bank free of cost. This way, your donated blood will be available to everyone in need and can save others’ lives.
• You can donate in a private cord blood bank that will freeze and store the blood exclusively for your family members. If siblings or parents need stem cells in the future, you can easily have access to the stored blood.
Disadvantages of Cord Blood Banking
Some disadvantages of storing cord blood are as follows.
• Although the stem cells contained in cord blood are medically beneficial, they are present in small amounts. An adult undergoing a transplant will need multiple donors to fulfill the stem cells requirement.
• Public blood banks do not charge storage costs. You have to pay a minimal collection fee. But, this blood is not stored exclusively for you. Whenever a genetic match is in need, they can get cord blood. So if your family member needs stem cells in the future, you may not get access to the cord blood you have donated.
• Private banks store cord blood exclusively for your family. Only you get access to use it for your family members. However, the cost of collection and storage that they charge is very high.
• Everyone is not eligible and fit to donate cord blood.
Cost of banking
People can choose to donate cord blood either in private or public banks. Public banks collect blood to use for anyone in need. Donating blood here is free, however, they may charge a minimal collection fee. Cord blood from public banks gets used for allogeneic transplants through the cord blood stem cells to treat someone other than the donor. A good level of match between donor and receiver’s cells is required for an allogeneic transplant.
Private cord blood banks store blood exclusively for the child and her family. Storage is expensive and costs around $1500 to $2500. Other than this, annual fees of around $125 per annum get charged. Tools like collection kit, processing, and courier service to the blood bank will cost nearly a hundred dollars.
What Does an Indoor Tanning Bed Lotion Do?
Anyone who visits a tanning salon will have noticed that there seems to be an endless selection of indoor tanning bed lotions. They come in a variety of formulations, scents, and sizes all with different key ingredients. It can be a little daunting for people who just want a good tan that lasts. What do these lotions do and which ones are the best? Are they even necessary?
What Do Indoor Tanning Bed Lotions Do?
Tanning bed lotions are formulated specifically to help people achieve the best tan possible. Nobody wants to waste their time and money in a tanning salon by not getting the most out of each session.
Tanning lotions help get the most out of each session in a number of ways. First, they keep the skin moisturized which helps the tan to develop more evenly. Look for lotions that contain deep moisturizing ingredients like argan oil and cocoa and/or shea butters. Properly hydrated skin tans more evenly and deeply. Indoor tanning bed lotions should be used just before a tanning session as well as daily in order to keep the skin properly moisturized and hydrated.
Tanning bed lotions also help to deepen the tan. While each type of lotion uses a different method of deepening the color, they all promote a deeper tan in fewer salon appointments. Accelerators, tinglers, and bronzers all help to develop a deeper, darker tan.
Finally, tanning bed lotions help tans look great for longer. The ingredients in these lotions are formulated to help the skin to maintain a tan for as long as possible. It is important to apply indoor tanning bed lotions regularly in order to get the most benefit out of them.
Types of Tanning Bed Lotions
There are a few common types of tanning bed lotions that all use different ingredients to help achieve a deep, long-lasting tan while hydrating the skin.
1) Accelerator Tanning Lotions
These indoor tanning bed lotions are highly moisturizing and they promote a natural-looking tan. Many people start using accelerator lotions when they first start to tan in indoor beds. They are best for achieving a really good base tan.
2) Tingle Lotions
Tingle lotions are aptly named. The ingredients in these lotions cause increased blood flow to the surface of the skin which causes a tingling sensation. More blood flow means more oxygen in the upper layers of the skin and results in a darker, longer-lasting tan. Tingle lotions come in a variety of strengths. It is suggested to start with a gentle tingle lotion and then move to more intense tinglers, especially for people who have sensitive skin. Some people find these lotions uncomfortable while others love the tingling sensation.
3) Bronzers
Bronzers add another level of tanning to the skin. They use ingredients that cause skin cells to turn brown even without an indoor tanning bed. Many people use bronzing lotions between tanning sessions in order to avoid fading.
Are Tanning Lotions Necessary
People debate the need for tanning lotions, but they really do play an important role in getting an even, long-lasting, and natural looking tan. Tanning, both indoors and outdoors, causes very dry skin. When tanned skin gets dry, it sloughs off and takes the tan with it. To get the most out of your time in the tanning bed, people should use an indoor tanning lotion.
Be warned that lotions that are not formulated for use in a tanning bed can ruin the bed. Most salons have strict rules about what types of lotions are allowed before a tanning session.
How to Choose
Choosing the best tanning lotion from the seemingly endless selection can be a little confusing. It comes down to personal preference. If one type of lotion is not working, try a different type or brand of indoor tanning bed lotion.
Once someone has decided on the best type of lotion for them, they should look for other characteristics like scent, feel, and price. Some tanning lotions boast anti-aging ingredients and firming components. Others may include special ingredients like caffeine, green tea extract, and even hair regrowth inhibitors.
Finding the right indoor tanning bed lotion can take some trial and error but knowing more about what is available on the market makes it much easier.
Skin Care Tips – How to Choose a Makeup Remover
As much as makeup is loved, it can’t be worn forever, this is why having a makeup remover is important but you can’t just go for the first one that you see, this is why you need to know which type of makeup remover is best for your skin.
Truly, most makeup is easy to remove, simply using warm water or a basic face wash can help you effectively remove the makeup from your face. This is because they usually are non-waterproof.
However, not all makeup falls into this category, there is certain makeup that is designed to last all day long. This is common among the modern types of makeup, and let’s be honest, no one wants to wear a particular type of makeup forever. This is why having quality makeup remover is necessary.
There are mainly three types of makeup removers. The solid, liquid, and balm textures. Choosing what is right for you depends on you and your body.
• Solid Makeup Remover
Also called solid makeup cleanser, face wipes, or face scrub, this is particularly useful if you are traveling through an airport. This method of makeup cleansing is very common and effective. It has an alcohol component in the material which makes it more efficient than the regular old handkerchief.
It also dries quickly which makes it not so good for you if you have irritable or sensitive skin. It could lead to breakouts if you are someone who is prone to acne.
This cleanser is however a good option if you want to have your makeup cleaner handy when you are going to a far distance and don’t want it to spill in your bag. This brings us to the second type of makeup cleaner.
• Liquid Makeup Remover
This type of makeup remover is a good choice if you have oily skin. It would help remove your makeup in addition to other forms of dirt which may be on your face skin.
It is easy to apply, simply put cotton into the container which the liquid is, then dab onto your face. If you have oily skin, you would find the chemical compound of this liquid cleanser remarkable.
However, it isn’t all that great if you are going on long trips as it may spill onto your bag.
• Makeup Remover Balms
This type of makeup remover has a gel texture. They are specially designed to take into consideration, the sensitive parts of the face skin, such as the eyes. It would not leave behind an irritable feeling. Makeup remover balms are also great for sensitive and dry skin as they would not lead to clogged pores in your skin, thereby causing acne.
Application of the balm makeup remover is very easy, simply rub it all over your face on places where you put makeup, you would notice the makeup begins to remove automatically, now, you rinse your face with water, and just like that your dace is entirely makeup-free. In addition, it leaves your face feeling smooth and not so dry.
There are three major types of makeup remover. The solid, liquid, and balm make up remover. They all have their benefits, the solid being easy to use anywhere and anytime. The liquid is efficient and the balm makeup remover is great for sensitive skin.
At the end of the day, it depends on you and your skin when selecting a makeup remover if you have sensitive skin, it might be best to stay away from the solid version, the same goes for the liquid if you are traveling and also for the ball makeup remover if you are in an environment where water is not so easy to access. All in all, you have to ensure you use the one that is best for your skin.
Affordable Veterinary X-Ray Options
Most of the image processing machines have been constructed and designed for humans only. Using these setups on animals can cause severe health effects. As a veterinary clinic or hospital, you must have access to vet Xray machine to offer diverse medical services. You need to opt for flexible equipment choices and diagnosis methods. Pet owners can often be seen worried about searching for the best diagnosis facilities for their loved child. Below we have discussed some affordable vet X-ray options you can access as a pet owner.
Switching to a digital X-ray system
Taking your pet for an X-ray is no less than a nightmare. From positioning them for diagnosis to waiting for images, the process can be hectic, especially if your pet is too restless. Switching to digital vet X-ray machines can give an expense-effective as well as a less chaotic experience. Veterinarians are choosing digital image processing due to many reasons, which are as follows.
• Digital image processing is too quick as compared to the traditional X-ray system. The process of taking images is super fast. It means that you would no longer have to tightly hold your pet for hours to get the X-ray done.
• You can electronically share digital images and get as many copies of X-rays as you want. You can also distribute your pet X-rays with the best doctors without taking them along. It is a relief as you will no longer have to wait in a long queue at a vet with your restless pet. Electronic sharing of images can also be helpful in case the pet is ill and can not go to see the doctor.
• Digital X-rays manufacturers have dropped the prices of these products drastically. The traditional X-ray systems use chemicals and film for producing images. There is no usage of any chemical or film for digital image processing. You can afford a vet X-ray machine, even as a small veterinary clinic. Not only is the purchase cost of digital systems low, but they also require less maintenance.
• Digital X-rays can get produced very quickly. Early diagnosis will give an early treatment to your pet, and this way, you can save your dog from extreme health conditions.
• Apart from all these benefits, digital X-rays are also eco-friendly. The chemicals and films used in the traditional X-ray machines get piled up in oceans and landfills, degrading the environment.
Veterinary CR and DR digital images
CR digital systems are a cost-effective choice for digital X-rays of super quality. The initial cost of DR pictures is higher, but these images are of super high resolution. Doctors can transport and utilize these images in a mobile veterinarian truck or van. This feature is useful when the patient can not come to the clinic for an X-ray. The high-resolution pictures give an insightful view of the bone or tissue under examination. The doctors can zoom in and rotate these images on a computer screen for a better view. It greatly helps in diagnosing the condition well and gives the correct treatment on time.
Some affordable veterinary X-ray systems
Are you a veterinary clinic looking for some affordable vet X-ray machines? This section can help you with the same.
1. CDR Digital Vet
It is high frequency and high-performance equipment designed for a veterinary clinic. This machine has a touch screen for setting radiographic parameters, which also gives an immediate radiographic image. This instant image production is quite helpful in cases of hip dysplasia. You can manage it directly by image acquisition and post-processing software. Some other features of this machine are a four-way floating table, 32kW of power with generator, and a touchscreen panel with 240 programmable APRs.
2. CDR Vet
It is a strong, powerful, and reliable machine that promotes ease in the veterinarian’s work and provides maximum comfort to the patient. The features of this machine will help in keeping the pets calm even in unpleasant situations. The best part is that it will not consume a lot of space in the clinic.
3. CDR 100 Vet
It is an ideal machine for small animals. CDR 100 Vet is a radiological system with a portable generator for off-side operations and comes at an affordable rate.
Metronidazole Gel for BV: What Women Need to Know
Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is the medical name given to the all-too-familiar symptoms of itching in the vagina, noticing a white vaginal discharge, and a strong fishy smell in the vagina. To be more accurate, BV is a condition of the vagina that is caused due to an imbalance between the good and the bad bacteria.
Symptoms of Bacterial Vaginosis
Here is an interesting bit about BV. Most cases of BV go unreported because women adjust to a certain level of everyday vaginal discomfort as normal. With the belief that it is an everyday phenomenon, they avoid seeking medical treatment.
Some of the most common symptoms of BV include:
• A strong “fishy” smell, particularly after sex.
• Burning while urinating.
• A thin white, gray, or green vaginal discharge.
• Pain, itching, or burning in the vagina
• Itching around the outside of the vagina
Metronidazole, a vaginal gel/cream also available as a tablet or oral medicine, is the most commonly prescribed antibiotics to treat BV.
The gel comes with a disposable applicator. The filled applicator needs to be gently inserted into your vagina, followed by pushing the plunger for the gel to enter your vagina.
It is important to continue with the application of the metronidazole gel until your prescribed course is completed. Do not stop the application even if you begin to feel better. This step is to prevent the infection from returning and becoming resistant to common antibiotics. One must also avoid consuming alcohol while on the course of metronidazole, as it can make you feel dizzy and sick.
Metronidazole gel is effective against vaginal infection—causing bacteria and parasites, such as Trichomonas vaginalis, amoeba, and Giardia.
Common side effects of metronidazole gel include
• Skin irritation and dryness
• Burning and stinging sensation
• Vaginal itching
• Gastrointestinal cramps or pain
• Nausea
• Bloating
• Dark urine
• Skin rash
Important Information
Never use more than the prescribed dose.
This medicine is prescribed to you. Never give it to other people even if their condition appears to be the same as yours.
If you are undergoing an operation or any dental treatment, share the usage of this medicine with the professional.
Do not keep out-of-date or unwanted medicines.
If you have any questions regarding the application of the gel, ask your doctor about it. Do not go on applying in an incorrect way.
Strictly keep it out of reach and sight from children.
Other treatments
While BV usually requires prescription medication for complete treatment; however, you can combine other home remedies along with antibiotics like metronidazole gel for quicker relief.
• You can opt for probiotics that will help regain the lost balance of microscopic flora in your vagina.
• Taking boric acid suppositories is a great preventive measure. Boric acid suppositories maintain your natural vaginal pH balanced, thereby prohibiting bad infection-causing bacteria from multiplying, improving your vaginal health, and keeping you protected.
• Pure cranberry juice, which is bitter, is also useful in preventing and treating BV. The red berry contains a tannin that may prevent the growth of infection-causing bacteria
Lastly, BV is not a sexually transmitted disease (STD). As mentioned earlier, it is a bacterial infection, and it does not seem to be directly related to sex. That being said one cannot rule out the possibility of sexual intercourse and oral sex increases your chances of getting BV. Semen and saliva can influence the balance of the natural bacterial flora in your vagina. Another important point worth noting is that, while BV is not an STD, having BV can increase your chances of contracting an actual STD. This only reiterates the need to treat your BV with proven medication, such as the metronidazole gel, to ensure that the infection goes away completely.
Stem Cell Banking – Why Do Parents Consider Banking Of Stem Cells?
Stem cell banking has gathered immense popularity in recent years. Parents around the world are choosing to bank their child’s stem cells due to its many benefits.
The process involves collecting the blood left in the umbilical cord and placenta post-childbirth. The stem cells are then cryo-preserved to be used in medical procedures as and when required.
The process is viewed as a biological insurance for our baby that brings numerous benefits in the future. Stem cells banks ensure your child’s health and well-being in case of medical emergencies.
Private stem cell banks preserve the cord blood of your child which can be made available as and when demanded. However, parents are also choosing public blood banks as a gift of life for a prospective match.
Let us understand in detail why parents are considering banking their little one’s stem cells.
1. The process is convenient and painless.
The process is hassle-free and requires no extra efforts on the part of parents. Once you have decided to store your child’s stem cells, you need to communicate it to a stem cell bank, and they will take care of the rest.
The process does not interfere in any way with the pregnancy or childbirth. The stem cell banks take all the measures to maintain the viability of stem cells and make them available on the day of treatment.
Extracting, collecting, and preserving stem cells is a completely harmless and painless procedure. The blood is collected post-delivery from the umbilical cord, which was traditionally considered medical waste.
2. It can treat numerous rare diseases.
Cord blood contains hematopoietic stem cells that can morph into any kind of blood cell and helps in treating numerous diseases. Cell transfusion can treat blood disorders, metabolic diseases, sickle cell anemia, immune deficiencies, and some types of cancers.
Any disease that involves using chemotherapy and radiation can adversely impact the immune system. A stem cell transplant can provide the much-needed support to your body’s immune system and supplies the body with new and healthy cells required for recovery.
3. Stem cells offer immense future potential.
Stem cell banking is efficient in providing a cure for numerous diseases, and as per the scientists, it has potential for even more. Researchers are finding ways to use these cells in the treatment of cerebral palsy and hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. Trials are also being conducted to find ways to used stem cells in the treatment of autism.
4. Stem cell banking can help people with a family history of rare diseases.
If you have a family history of diseases like cancer, leukemia, sickle cell anemia, etc., banking your child’s cord blood becomes quintessential. Stem cell banking is also recommended for parents who have another child who can benefit from the cord blood transfusion.
Cord blood can also help other family members in need of a transplant. Parents can also choose to get their child’s stem cell preserved as a precautionary measure for future medical issues.
If one of the parents was an adopted child, their medical background might be unknown. In that case, stem cell banking can help reduce the risk of future medical emergencies.
All these conditions necessitate storing your child’s stem cells with a private bank so that the cord blood will be reserved for you and your family alone.
5. Their results of cord blood treatment have been improving.
The success rate of cord blood transfusion has been high in the last decade. This can be due to the increasing awareness on dosing and aftercare related to cord blood transfusion.
Also, researchers and clinicians have gathered more knowledge that enables them to find better matches for transfusion.
These are some of the benefits of cord blood banking. The above-mentioned reasons necessitate considering cord blood banking for your newborn.
How Do Coronavirus Antibody Tests Work?
Have you experienced any of the symptoms of COVID-19? Or have you been in close proximity to someone who is sick with COVID-19 for longer than 15 minutes? If so, there is a chance that you may have been infected with the Sars-CoV-2 virus. To get a confirmed diagnosis on the matter, you will need to undergo coronavirus antibody testing.
What is Coronavirus Antibody Testing?
Coronavirus antibody testing is a type of diagnostic testing that is carried out to detect the presence of antibodies that are specific to the Sars-CoV-2 virus. If you have been exposed to the virus, you may likely have developed these antibodies. By detecting them, the test indicates that you may be currently infected or may have been previously infected with COVID-19. The test is also known as serology testing and is done in a healthcare setting, with the analysis of the test results done in a laboratory.
How do Coronavirus Antibody Tests Work?
The coronavirus antibody tests work by taking a blood sample and testing it for the presence and level of antibodies. If any foreign materials make their way into your body, the immune system identifies the ones that might be potentially harmful to you. It then produces antibodies, which are proteins, to fight and destroy harmful substances. The concentration of antibodies will be dependent on the level of the infection and will differ at different stages of the infection.
By carrying out the coronavirus antibody tests, it is possible to detect binding antibodies and neutralizing antibodies. The binding antibody tests are more widely used than the neutralizing antibody tests and make it possible to find out if you have developed any antibodies against the COVID-19 infection. The tests do not, however, indicate how many antibodies your immune system has produced and if the immune response has been effective. The neutralizing antibody tests are comparatively more sensitive and are recommended if you get a positive test result for binding antibodies. They will enable you to find out if the antibodies were effective against the Sars-CoV-2 virus and if they are likely to help ward off another COVID-19 viral infection.
When Should You Get a Coronavirus Antibody Test?
You should get a coronavirus antibody test in the following cases:
• If you experience any of the symptoms of COVID-19.
• If you think you were infected with the Sars-CoV-2 virus in the past.
• If you get a positive result in a diagnostic test.
• If you want to undergo a medical procedure and want to make sure that you are not infected with the Sars-CoV-2 virus.
• If you want to donate plasma and need to know if it has antibodies that could potentially help COVID patients.
Are the Coronavirus Antibody Tests Reliable?
If you have been infected with the COVID-19 virus, it can take up to three or four weeks for your body to produce antibodies in sufficient amounts to be detectable with the coronavirus antibody test. So, if you suspect you may have the virus, it is important to wait to get tested. If you get tested too soon, the coronavirus antibody test will be ineffective.
The quality of the test will also affect the effectiveness of the coronavirus antibody test.
You can get a false-positive result, which means you can test positive for the Sars-CoV-2 virus even though you do not have any antibodies and have never had the COVID-19 infection.
You can also get a false-negative result, which means you can test negative for the Sars-CoV-2 virus even though you are infected. The test fails to detect the antibodies because the test is faulty or you got tested too early before your body could produce enough detectable antibodies.
At present, researchers are still working on improving the coronavirus antibody tests to get more accurate results and get better informed about COVID-19 and the resulting antibodies. Tests undertaken on recovered patients have shown that their bodies continue to have the antibodies for several months afterward. It is not yet known if these antibodies can offer long-term protection against new COVID-19 infections.
To get a coronavirus antibody test, ask your local healthcare provider about the availability of these tests in your area.
Four Vaping Facts You Need to Know
With revised vaping laws in place, vaping has hit the headlines once again. There is a spike of (mis)information about vaping, today. What people seek is an unbiased coverage on vaping. What people need are facts.
Fact #1 Vaping is different from smoking
Vaping is the process of inhaling vapor, not smoke, created by an electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) or any other vaping device.
E-cigarettes are battery-powered smoking devices. The e-cigarette contains a cartridge filled with a liquid. The liquid, also known as e-liquid, e-fluid, e-juice, or vape juice, is heated into a vapor, which is then inhaled by the person.
This process of using e-cigarettes is referred to as vaping.
The e-liquid consists of four basic ingredients, water, nicotine, flavorings, and a propylene glycol (PG) or vegetable glycerin (VG) base (or sometimes a mixture of PG and VG).
Tobacco is burnt in the process of smoking, which releases more toxins. Nicotine (extracted from tobacco is heated to produce vapor in vaping.
Fact #2 The earliest electric vaporizer was designed in 1927
Although, the e-cigarette as we know it today, was invented by Chinese smoker and pharmacist
Hon Lik in 2003, Joseph Robinson is credited with designing the first-ever electric vaporizer in 1927.
Joseph Robinson’s design was followed by another design of a “smokeless non-tobacco cigarette” by Herbert Gilbert, in 1963. His design, however, could not find any manufacturers to develop the product.
After a few more failed designs, came Hon Lik’s e-cigarette. At one point, Lik was downing up to three packs of cigarettes a day. His father, also a smoker, died of lung cancer. Around the time of his father’s death, Lik was galvanized to invent a new device.
“I believed that if I could use vapor to simulate cigarette smoke, this could help me,” have been Lik’s famous words.
Fact #3 E-cigarettes have undergone a generational change
All e-cigarettes are composed of a battery, an atomizer, and a fluid reservoir, which stores the e-liquid
The working of an e-cigarette is a fairly simple one. First, the user draws air through the mouthpiece, which activates an airflow sensor, causing the filament in the atomizer to heat. Capillary action, created by a wick, causes the e-liquid to travel up the filament. The heated filament then vaporizes the e-fluid to produce a gas that condenses with water in the atmosphere to form an inhalable aerosol.
The characteristics of the aerosol are influenced by a number of factors, such as battery power level, topography, and one of the most important factors, atomizer design.
The designs of the battery and the atomizer have evolved with time towards higher consumer control.
First-generation e-cigarettes, or cig-a-likes, were designed to look like a conventional cigarette. They came with fixed, low-voltage batteries.
Second-generation e-cigarettes came with larger variable voltage batteries, referred to as pen-style batteries.
Mods, or third-generation e-cigarettes, came with truly modified batteries. These batteries allowed the consumer to vary the voltage, wattage, and power of the e-cigarette.
Fact #4 Studies have reported vaping to be at least 95% less harmful than smoking
The Royal College of Physicians, Canada, concluded in their recent report that vaping was 95% less harmful than tobacco.
The toxicological, clinical, and epidemiological evidence of the study indicated that the chemicals found in nicotine e-liquid vapor were well below the levels of chemicals present in cigarette smoke. It can be safely said that if toxicity were reduced by 95%, so would be the relative harm.
Furthermore, studies have also shown that, despite the presence of nicotine, vaping produces less dependence than does smoking. Data have also demonstrated that smokers who transitioned to vaping experienced improved lung function, less frequent asthma events, and various other physiological improvements.
In light of the revised vaping laws, facts and studies such as the one aforementioned are needed in abundance to clear the air around the misinformation floating as the negative impact of vaping.