Why Is Storing Umbilical Cord Blood After Birth a Wise Decision?

As soon as you decide to bring a new life into this world, you find yourself making significant decisions that will impact the well-being of your child for numerous years in the future. One such decision is storing the umbilical cord blood of your child.

Traditionally, cord blood was discarded as medical waste. However, nowadays, health care professionals all over the world speak in favor of the best cord blood banking. This is due to the immense potential of cord blood to aid in the treatment of various diseases.

What is cord blood banking?

Blood that remains in the umbilical cord and placenta post childbirth is a great source of stem cells. Stem cells are cells that can transform into other types of cells in the body and enables the body to fight against diseases by supplying healthy cells.

Cord blood banking is the process of collecting, processing, cryogenically freezing, and preserving the stem cells of your child. These cord blood can be used in case of any future medical emergencies that can benefit from a stem cell transfusion.

Is storing the umbilical cord blood after birth a wise decision?

The cord blood of your child acts as biological insurance, and with affordable cord blood banks at $19.99 per month, you can ensure the future health and well-being of your child.

Here are a few reasons why cord blood banking is a wise decision for your child.

1. Cord blood can help in the fight against diseases.

At present, cord blood can be helpful in the treatment of 80 rare diseases. These ailments include blood disorders, metabolic diseases, sickle cell anemia, immune deficiencies, and many types of cancer.

2. There is immense future medical potential.

Researchers firmly believe that stem cells can aid in the treatment of diseases that are considered incurable till now. There is ongoing research all over the world to understand the medical advancements that can be made with these cells.

These cells can possibly help in treating cerebral palsy and hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. It can also benefit patients with autism.

3. Cord blood banking can also be useful for siblings and other family members.

The stem cells of your child can also be used by other family members. If you have another child struggling with an ailment, they can also benefit from the stem cell transfusion. Hence, storing the stem cell of your child can also benefit siblings and other family members.

4. It can save the lives of others.

If you do not wish to store the cord blood of your child with a private bank, you can donate it to a public bank. The stem cells of your child can be used to save the life of another person who is a potential match.

The above-mentioned reason makes cord blood banking a wise decision for your child.

Seven Benefits of Preserving Stem Cells

During the past few years, the rise of stem cell preservation has been increasing rapidly. Today, numerous hospitals, academic medical centers, and private businesses think about the possibility of preserving stem cells from patients to use for future stem cell therapies.

The human body has unspecialized cells referred to as stem cells. These cells have the potential for self-renewal and multidirectional differentiation. Due to this, stem cells are also called universal and seed cells. Besides, some also called it a life bank because stem cells are collected, prepared, preserved, and used for research and treatment.

Modern scientific advancements have made stem cell therapy an emerging and advantageous area of research. The expansion of stem cell banks has also seen unprecedented growth around the globe, aimed at conserving the characteristics of the stem cells, preventing contamination, and facilitating utilization in biomedical research and clinical treatments. Here we have discussed the benefits so that you can preserve your baby’s stem cell and use it for future therapies.

• Stem cells are unique

So, you can see that stem cells are tiny cells that have an outstanding potential to save lives. Stem cells are the master cells that perform as fundamental building blocks of the human body. These cells can transform into specialized cells like muscle, blood, bone, brain cells, and so on. Besides, there are also numerous benefits of newborn stem cell preservation.

• Saves human life

One of the significant benefits of preserving stem cells is saving valuable human life. When you store the umbilical cord blood of your newborn, it becomes a rich source of stem cells utilized to treat more than 80 life-threatening diseases.

• Treats Different Diseases

Stem cells help to treat numerous diseases including cancer, genetic diseases, blood disorders, immune system disorders, and others. Besides this, these cells can also help one rebuild the immune system after chemotherapy and are used as an effective alternative for bone marrow transplants. So, it is a notable reason why you should preserve stem cells.

• Stem Cells are a perfect match for newborns.

When it comes to newborn stem cell preservation, there are no buts or ifs about their matching properties with the newborns. It is so because these stem cells can assist in repairing or rebuilding damaged or injured cells for your baby. These stem cells are the perfect match for your kids, but they can be helpful for other family members too. As a result, stem cells can also be effective for others. So, is it not a significant benefit?

• Stem cells are versatile.

As medical science progresses each day, the number of clinical trials for stem cells has also increased. Based on numerous trials, researchers have found that stem cells are effective against several neurological conditions such as stroke, cerebral palsy, anoxic, autism, and traumatic brain injury. Apart from these, stem cells are also effective for diabetes, muscle repair, and arthritis. Therefore, it is another benefit of preserving stem cells as they are versatile when it comes to the matter of human life.

• Stem cells have a long life

Another notable benefit of preserving stem cells is you can preserve your newborn’s stem cells for more than 20 years. Due to this unique benefit, many parents opt for this to get numerous future advantages. Medical professionals use cryo-preservation bags to store stem cells. These bags are overwrapped and placed individually in aluminum cases. Each stem cell sample has a unique code and is stored in a cryo-preservation tank with a vapor phase of liquid nitrogen.

According to many researchers, if these cells are preserved by following this standard, the cells can last for around 23 years or more. Therefore, you can preserve stem cells for many years in the future. Due to this, they can make a lasting gift to your children and other family members.

• Hassle-free process

Preserving stem cells is a hassle-free, safe, and painless process. It is because of this benefit that many parents prefer to store their kid’s stem cells. So, as a parent, you should preserve your newborn’s stem cells by selecting the right service provider, offering an affordable cord blood bank for $19.99/month.

Immunotherapy Cancer Treatment: Types & How It Works

Immunotherapy is a cancer treatment method that uses the patient’s immune system to combat the disease. That said, there are cord blood bank providers who charge as little as $19.99/month. Besides, cord blood banking has become popular. Of late, immunotherapy cancer treatment has become well-accepted. That said, this specific treatment method is highly effective because of the innate trait of human cells. Human cells have the intrinsic characteristic of replicating. Immunotherapy assists the immune system of the human body to combat and overcome cancer cells effectively. The curative power of immunotherapy is because of the potential and potency of human cells. These cells have the intrinsic capacity to rebuild the spoiled cells. They take the beneficial blood cells connected to the immune response and convert them into high-powered cells that facilitate the body to combat cancer cells. Concisely, this treatment method is simply a biological treatment. Practically, this means that it depends on the potency of organic materials to fight and overcome cancerous cells. Generally, the human immune system fights cancer cells as a natural process. However, in some cases, the cancerous cells resist these attacks by the human immune system. That said, these cells avoid the human immune system mainly in three different ways.

• Cancer cells have the capacity for having genetic changes. This mutation makes them invisible to the human immune system, and thus they stay invincible. This invulnerable condition of the cancer cells is dangerous to human health. The presence of such deadly cells in the body system causes health problems to the individuals concerned.

• The cancer cells generate proteins on their exterior surface. This protein coating will turn away the immune cells. Thus, the dangerous cancer cells spread from one place to another within the body. Such a situation will happen within a short period.

• The cancer cells will alter the cells found around the tumor. Thus there will be interference, and immune cells will become incapable and will not respond to the attack of the cancerous cells.

Immunotherapy cancer treatment is effective for curing different types of cancers. That said, CAR-T treatments have the approval of the FDA for treating some types of problematic, destructive non-Hodgkin lymphoma and acute lymphoblastic leukemia conditions.

Types: Mainly, you can categorize immunotherapy cancer treatments into five different types.

Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors: These are the pharmaceutical that prevents immune checkpoints. The checkpoints are part and parcel of the immune system of the individual. When these checkpoints are blocked, the body can counter-attack more aggressively.

Monoclonal Antibodies: These are scientifically created proteins. These have a specific capacity. They will bind some particular spots on the cancer cells. This way, the cancer cells will become more perceptible. The immune system of the body will be to trace and attack them aggressively. This attack will be more effective.

Treatment Vaccines: Though the words sound similar, this vaccine is a different type of vaccine. This vaccine will boost the immune system so that it will respond positively. It will fight the cancer cells much harder.

Immune System Modulators: This method will augment the immune response system of the body and will fight cancerous cells. These modulators will create positive effects in some specific areas. In some cases, the entire immune system will get the effects. However, it all depends on the treatment approach.

CAR-T-cell Transfer Therapy: This method is one of the most exciting immunotherapy cancer treatment procedures. Here, the surgeon takes the immune cells from the tumor. The most active ones are isolated. Then medical experts make these cells more effective using scientific procedures. The surgeon puts back these into the immune system of the individual through injection once there are enough numbers.

How It Works

In this treatment method, the surgeons use certain sections of the individual’s immune system to combat dreadful diseases like cancer. One way is to stimulate or boost the intrinsic capacity of the immune system. This way, it will work hard and overcome the dreadful cancerous cells. A second method is to create substances similar to the constituent parts of the immune system in a medical lab. Then the surgeons will inject them into the natural immune system. For effective immunotherapy, medical scientists or surgeons will have to use the best medical facilities. Besides, they must use accurately stored stem cells in case they need them from an outside source.

How CBD Oil Can Improve Your Hair Healthy?

Today, hair problems became one of the biggest concerns among people all across the globe. There are numerous solutions for treating these conditions. However, very few of them show positive results. Does that mean you will never reduce hair fall and lose all of it? You might find a solution in cannabis.

With the spread of legislation across North America, the stigma around cannabis experienced a reduction. There is also a shift in people’s attitudes, with more people switching to cannabis products. Experts consider that CBD, a compound derived from cannabis, might be the secret ingredient for your perfect day.

CBD: What is it?

CBD stands for cannabidiol, derived from the hemp plants, and contains only about 0.3 percent THC. THC is the chemical that offers you the feeling of being high. CBD contains less THC, so you will not have to worry about it affecting your mental and physical state.

CBD oil has many benefits, including treating anxiety, insomnia, depression, epilepsy, and other diseases. CBD is an all-natural gift from Mother Nature and works wonders for your hair because of its unique properties.

Nowadays, a wide array of CBD products like oil, tinctures, capsules, and creams are available for consumer use. However, CBD affects people differently. Therefore, you must be careful about any reactions you might experience.

CBD Oil And Healthy Hair

Research states that CBD oil helps in hair regrowth after hair loss, as CBD-rich hemp extracts added to carrier oils promote healthy hair growth over time. For six months, people applying CBD oil to their hair and scalp experienced successful regrowth. CBD helps people achieve better sleep and reduced anxiety, which might affect the regrowth of hair follicles.

Reasons To Use CBD For hair Growth

Here is how CBD oil help in reducing hair loss and influence growth and health.

Encourages Hair Growth

Hair fall becomes a problem when your hair does not grow back at the same rate as you are losing it. It further causes other issues, such as thinning and bald spots. Lack of nutrients, chemical deposits, and dandruff are some significant causes of hair fall. Using CBD oil, such as Spring Hill CBD, in your regular hair care regimen offers healthy, thick, and luscious hair.

The oil is rich in omega fatty acids, seals the moisture in your hair, and nourishes the cuticles. Moreover, massaging the scalp soothes dryness on the scalp by absorbing nutrients and promoting hair growth. Furthermore, CBD oil promotes blood circulation, encouraging growth and strength in your hair.

Treats Scalp Conditions

CBD has anti-inflammatory properties and helps in soothing scalp inflammation, such as eczema. The irritation and patchy flaking of the skin on the scalp affect hair growth, even causing premature baldness. The cannabinoid receptors in your scalp interact with CBD oil, thereby regulating the function of the immune system.

Applying oil to the scalp helps calm the inflammation that reduces hair fall. It also helps in reducing other scalp problems, including psoriasis and folliculitis. The interaction Spring Hill CBD influences the natural sebum in your scalp. It is, therefore, an effective treatment for dandruff and dry scalp.

Prevents Hair Damage and Breakage

Prolonged exposure to dust, pollution, and UV radiation damage the building blocks of your hair and skin. Over time, your hair loses its charm and looks dull and lifeless. CBD oil is one of the most effective solutions for repairing damaged and weak hair.

CBD oils have a moisturizing property that helps treat dry and lifeless hair. It further helps improve your hair’s texture, creating a better appearance. Upon application, the oil helps in cleansing the chemical deposits that prevent the healthy growth of hair. The antioxidants in the oil help protect the hair from environmental damage and repair the breakage.

Treats Hormonal and Stress-Induced Hair Loss

Stress and hormonal fluctuations are the most common reasons for hair loss. The application of CBD oil interacts with several receptors that help control the hormone regulation functions in the body. CBD has anti-stress and anti-anxiety benefits that create feelings of calmness and relaxation.

Hair loss is one of the several conditions that you can treat by using CBD oil. Go for CBD oil-infused hair care products that would nourish the hair.

What You Should Know About Ketamine Infusion Therapy?

If you have severe depression, you know how difficult it is to find a therapy program that works effectively, stays to even provide relief over time, and doesn’t have any negative side effects.

Migraines, depression, PTSD, and chronic aches, have perplexed medical specialists for years. That is until Ketamine got added into the picture.

The Fundamentals Of Ketamine Infusion Therapy

Ketamine is an FDA-approved anesthetic that has been around for well over five decades all over the globe. It’s also a medicine with quick antidepressant qualities that mental health professionals have been researching for over two decades.

While ketamine isn’t recommended as a first-line treatment for chronic pain, depression, or any other mental health condition, it could be used off-label to relieve severe forms of depression, anxiousness, or PTSD that haven’t fully recovered.

Ketamine provides relaxing and profoundly therapeutic impacts on the areas of the brain that regulate mood and behavior when supplied by a steady, continual intravenous (IV) drip. Find out the specialists around you by looking for “Ketamine infusions near me” on your phone.

How does It work?

Ketamine therapy starts working on a very specific group of cells inside the brain. They help block the NMDA receptors that can create depression and anxiety. Ketamine makes the individual feel calm.

This is why this therapy is used to treat depression and also given to patients as a painkiller medicine.

The Advantage Of Ketamine Infusion Therapy

Depression is the largest cause of disability in the world and the most common mental health condition that leads to suicide ideation.

With standard antidepressants and counseling, around two-thirds of persons with serious depression achieve long-term symptom remission; the remaining one-third do not.

Ketamine infusion therapy has several major benefits for those with TRD, crippling anxiety, persisting PTSD, and severe pain. All you have to know is how to use it in the right way.

Nerves Get Calmed With Ketamine

Pain that arises in one location but is felt in another can be hard to cure. Nerves can sometimes malfunction, such as after an accident. Nerves that are malfunctioning or hyperactive are also linked to illnesses like fibromyalgia and complicated regional pain syndrome. Neuropathic pain is the medical term for this sort of pain.

Ketamine is a common analgesic and anesthetic used in surgical procedures. It was widely used in the final stages of the Vietnam war because it is both safe and efficacious. It works by numbing nerves, allowing you to feel pain alleviation all over.

Ketamine Infusion Therapy Is Safe

A ketamine infusion lowers your pain threshold. It also makes you more sensitive to other pain-relieving drugs. This property aids in the reduction of your reliance on other analgesics such as opioids.

Your IV ketamine infusions are administered in a spa-like and secure environment in the facilities. The specialists place the IV in your hand while you rest in a therapy chair. The infusion procedure takes a long time. To acquire complete relief, you may want a sequence of treatments.

How To Locate A Ketamine Infusion Therapy Provider

If you’ve opted to make this move, you might be unsure where to begin your search. If you’re in a big city, you’ll probably have a lot of choices, but how can you decide which ones are genuine?

Your first step would be to go to your mobile browser and search “Ketamine infusions near me.” After that, shortlist a few of the facilities and compare them to find the best provider for you.

As the ketamine fades off after the injection, you’ll probably still feel a bit drowsy. It is advised that you have a loved one or a friend by your side. The best thing to do is talk to a medical practitioner before you plan for ketamine infusion therapy.

How To Select A Qualified Lactation Consultant

Every new parent, at one point or the other, might require a lactation consultant. Hence as a new parent, if you are struggling to feed your baby, you must know how to select a qualified lactation consultant. Let us know everything about lactation consultants to get the required help.

What Is A Lactation Consultant?

A lactation consultant is one of the certified healthcare professionals trained to provide clinical management of breastfeeding. The lactation consultant can solve major to minor lactating issues. They are experts in both managing and preventing all of the things that are related to feeding, nursing, and pumping.

How Can You Find One?

Finding the best lactation consultant in NYC can be challenging. Various urgencies are associated with diverse lactation issues. Time is a very crucial factor when you require any lactation help. You can find one in the following places:

● Personal Network

The best way to choose a lactation consultant is to ask your friends, family, midwife, or pediatrician. It is one of the great ways you can find recommended people.

● National Directories

There happen to be extensive National directories where you can get the list of lactation consultants in your area. You can run through the list and call for the one that fits your needs the best.

● Lactating Support Group

Various groups offer free or low-cost lactation support. You can take their help in person or virtually. As you take their help, you can receive support from any peer lactation leader.

How Would You Choose The Right Lactation Consultant

Whenever you want to choose the best lactation consultants NYC, you can follow certain procedures. Some of these are:

● Interview

As a new baby is born, it is one of the delicate times for your growing family. Therefore you would require someone who can align with the flow of your family culture and lifestyle. Therefore before choosing a lactation consultant, you must not be afraid to ask questions to the consultant.

● Referrals

Direct reference can be one of the best ideas to choose the right lactation consultant. But before choosing them, you need to enquire about the experience that the previous client had with the lactation consultant. Also, you must wait till your health care provider recommends you to any particular consultant. Peer referral can always prove to be best as your trusted person would provide you with the lactation consultant.

● Experience

Not only you must look for how much experience they have, but also you must enquire about the kind of experience they possess. As you need a lactation consultant who has particular experience with your situation.

Also, you must check whether they carry any sensitive scale to see the amount of milk transferred or do they offer any follow-ups.

Do You Need A Lactation Consultant

At times, it can be emotional and scary while you struggle to feed your baby. For some of them, the process can inflict great pain physically. In such a situation, it is always best that one should reach out for help. Every new parent must not feel lonely through this process. Hence you can consult a lactation consultant if you experience these problems.

● Feel pain while you are trying to feel your baby.

● Cracked, sore, or bleeding nipples after nursing your baby.

● Your baby is not gaining proper weight or is not able to poop or pee enough.

● Your baby is facing a lot of trouble staying on, latching on all is unable to latch.

● Your baby makes clicking sounds while they are feeding on your nipples.

● Your baby seems unsatisfied and is constantly hungry.

● Your baby gets diagnosed with food sensitivity or reflux.

● You experience mastitis or frequent clogged ducts.

● When you face discomfort in every position while nursing.

During all these situations, you must require reassurance and you would need someone who can understand these problems.

Sometimes the new mother needs a consultation before beginning to nurse the new baby. With the help of a lactation consultant, one can make a world of difference that can help the new parent meet their lactation goals.

What Are The Three Types of Stem Cells?

Human life begins with a single fertilized cell, also called a zygote. Slowly, the zygote divides into multiple cells leading to the formation of the human body.

As the cell grows, they become differentiated, which means they take on a specific function. This differentiation of cells helps the body in growing tissues and organs.

Stem cells are those cells that are not differentiated yet. They do not have any specific function. However, they are the foundation of every organ and tissue in the human body.

Stem cells can self-renew, which means they can produce more stem cells. Also, they can transform into other types of cells and take on specific functions in the body.

These properties of stem cells make them a powerful aid in treating various diseases. Stem cells banks can help in replacing damaged cells with new and healthy cells. Hence, when the cells in the body get damaged due to injury or diseases, stem cells can help in speedy recovery.

Stem cells can be bifurcated into three different types based on when and where they are formed. Let us discuss the different types of stem cells in detail.

1) Embryonic stem cells.

These cells are derived from the human embryos 3 to 5 days after the fertilization process called In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF). The cells are fertilized in a lab and not inside the human body. They are donated for research purposes with the informed consent of donors.

The inner cell mass of the blastocyst gives rise to specialized cells of all the tissues and organs in the body. The blastocyst is a very tiny hollow ball of cells formed a few days after the sperm fertilizes the egg.

The cells inside the blastocyst become specialized and form the different parts of the human body. The scientist extracts the inner cell mass and grows them in specific conditions to retain the properties of embryonic stem cells.

These cells are pluripotent, which means they have the potential to become any kind of cell type in the body. This unique property makes them ideal for research and discovery.

2) Adult stem cells

Adult stem cells, also known as somatic stem cells, are undifferentiated stem cells that are found in differentiated tissues in our body. Somatic cells are found in bone marrow, placenta, umbilical cord, brain, fat tissue, skin, gut, etc.

In comparison to embryonic stem cells, these cells are more specialized. These cells can generate different cells for their origin tissues and organs. Hence, they can help in replacing damaged cells.

However, some studies show that adult stem cells can also help in growing other cells than those tissues they reside in. These cells remain inactive until they are called upon by the body to morph into different cell types.

There are generally very few adult stem cells in native tissues. Hence, they are less likely to be used for research purposes.

Adult stem cells can also be bifurcated into different types, such as:

• Hematopoietic Stem Cells (Blood Stem Cells)

• Neural Stem Cells

• Mesenchymal Stem Cells

• Epithelial Stem Cells

• Skin Stem Cells

3) Induced pluripotent stem cells

Induced pluripotent cells are produced in the laboratory by transforming adult stem cells to have the characteristic of embryonic stem cells. Embryonic genes are introduced into the somatic cells that enable them to behave like pluripotent cells.

This means that induced pluripotent cells can form different cell types in the body. The method of genetic reprogramming provides a great opportunity for medical advancements, the study of body development, disease progression, etc. However, more research is required before the cells can be used for clinical trials.

These are the three different types of stem cells that can be used for medical purposes.

Genital Herpes – Know the Signs and Stop the Virus

Genital Herpes is an infection that occurs in the urinary and sexual organs. It is transmittable; at times, it can even pose risks that are beyond treatment. When identified and treated in the early stages, Herpes is easy to control, though it is recurring.

In this article, we will explore more about Herpes and its signs, treatment, and precautionary measures. We will also understand how it impacts adults and babies and the risks involved.

What is Genital Herpes?

Genital Herpes is a sexually transmitted infection. It can occur to both women and men. The risks of spreading Herpes are more from men to women than from women to men. The main cause of genital herpes virus is the herpes simplex virus (HSV).

There are two variants of HSV: HSV1 and HSV2.

HSV1 is slightly lesser in its spread rate while HSV2 spreads faster. Both these viruses, spread through open sores, but HSV2 can affect a person even if they do not have any open sore. While the Herpes due to HSV1 can be counteracted with Genital Herpes Cream Over the Counter, in severe cases of both the variants, medical help might be necessary.

Symptoms of Genital Herpes

Herpes can be recurring. However, the first-time occurrence can be more impactful. Usually, individuals with Herpes cannot identify that they are infected until the virus shows up its symptoms.

First-level symptoms of genital herpes include itching and tingling in the genital areas. Advanced stages of herpes show up as sores of varying sizes and intensity at the urinary tract, buttock, penis, scrotum, cervix, and vagina.

The only way to identify Herpes is to get a check done by an expert nurse or doctor. The intensity and type of sores can vary in men and women and a doctor can identify them by looking or suggesting a fluid check. In rare cases, you may need a blood check-up.

Who is at risk of genital herpes?

Genital herpes mainly transmits due to sexual contact. The following categories are more prone to the risk of genital herpes:

• Individuals who involve in unsafe sex without using condoms.

• Individuals who participate in oral sex and anal sex.

• Women are prone to higher risks than men.

What are the risks of Genital Herpes?

The risks of Genital Herpes vary among individuals based on their existing health condition. In most cases, the early symptoms appear like flu symptoms:

Risks to pregnant women: In pregnant women, genital herpes can increase the risk of cesarean section, premature birth, babies with low birth weight, and even death of the baby.

Urinary problems: If left untreated, the HSV virus can affect the urinary tract and bladder. It can cause burning while passing urine and might need surgery to open the urinary tract closed due to the infection.

Risks to newborns: The risks of Herpes in babies can be serious. Newborns of mothers with the herpes virus are more prone to side effects. Depending on the severity, babies can experience seizures, high fever, tiredness, loss of vision, and brain damage. The symptoms can be observed from a week or beyond the birth of the baby.

Sexually transmittable diseases: Sores in the genital areas can increase the risk of sexually transmittable diseases such as HIV and AIDS.

Impact on the nervous system: In the early stages of HSV, individuals may experience back pain. In its severity, HSV can impact the cerebrospinal fluid causing brain and spinal cord damage.

How to prevent Genital Herpes?

The main source of spreading of Herpes is sexual contact and or open sores. Hence it is vital to ensure the following precautions to prevent Herpes:

• Indulge safe sex with condoms and limit the number of sexual partners.

• Consult a doctor if you are pregnant and have genital herpes to take medication that curbs the risks while delivery.

• Refrain from intercourse, anal sex, or oral sex with infected individuals.


The virus stays in the body even after the first infection. It is essential to control Herpes at its onset with the help of Genital Herpes Cream Over the Counter. The recurrence period can vary from weeks to months to years. If you are pregnant or suffering from other long-lasting health complications, seek medical help to handle Herpes recurrences.

What to Know About Hemp Lotion for Skin

With the legalization of cannabinoid (CBD) throughout the United States, consumers are becoming aware of its benefits for skincare. The cannabinoid is an ingredient present in hemp oil extracted from the hemp plant or hemp seeds. The full-spectrum oil, which is made using all parts of the hemp plant and which contains CBD, is used to make an excellent lotion for the skin. You can buy hemp lotion and even hemp lotion Holiday online and in various brick-and-mortar stores.

Effectiveness of hemp lotion for skincare

Scientific research studies on the health benefits of hemp are still rather scarce at present. However, researchers think that the cannabinoids in hemp interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system to reduce inflammation and provide pain relief. A great many consumers, who regularly purchase CBD products, have reported effective skin moisturizing results after using hemp lotion made from full-spectrum CBD oil, essential oils, and various herbal extracts.

The hydrating properties of CBD-infused hemp lotion make it a good addition to your daily skincare routine. Aside from nourishing normal skin, it can help treat acne, eczema, dry skin, and other skin conditions. Given its anti-inflammatory properties, it can also provide relief for sore joints and muscles after intense workouts.

What to look for when buying hemp lotion

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), while admitting to the potential of hemp, has not yet approved hemp products for anything outside medical usage. At present, while hemp lotion and other CBD-infused products are legally available for purchase in all 50 states in the United States, there are no nationwide regulatory standards for producing, testing, or labeling these products.

So, when buying hemp lotion in regular containers or on hemp lotion Holiday, it is advisable to do the following:

• Read the product label to check the ingredients in the lotion.

• Make sure the lotion contains full-spectrum hemp extract.

• Find out if the product comes with certified laboratory results.

• Check if there is a list of potential side effects.

• Watch out for terms like “cruelty-free” or “fast-absorbing” as those can indicate that the seller knows nothing about hemp lotions.

It is essential that you only buy hemp lotion and other hemp products from trusted sources. Read customer testimonials to find out if other people have found the sellers to be reliable and their products to be effective.

What to know about hemp lotion ingredients

To make sure that the hemp lotion or hemp lotion Holiday you buy can deliver the excellent results you expect, you should research the ingredients to make sure they are safe for your skin. Some of the common ingredients you will find in hemp lotions are:

• Chamomile

• Honey

• Coconut oil

• Shea butter

• Beeswax

• Aloe vera

• Vitamin E

• Essential oils

• Full-spectrum hemp extract

Before using the hemp lotion, do a skin patch test to make sure that your skin does not react adversely to it. You can then apply it as you would a regular facial or body lotion.

If you have any skin conditions and are on medications for those, it might be best to consult your physician about using hemp lotion for skincare. He or she will let you know if there are likely to be any issues with using both simultaneously.

An important thing to keep in mind

Since hemp lotion has full-spectrum hemp oil as its main ingredient, it might contain traces of Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol or THC. Given the lack of regulatory standards, there is no way to ascertain if the product is 100% pure even if the label says so. That being the case, if you use hemp lotion containing THC, it could enter your body. And it might show up in the drug test if you undergo drug screening.

While CBD is legal in all 50 states in the United States, THC is still categorized on the federal level as a Schedule I substance that you cannot legally produce or possess. And if you live in a state that disallows marijuana use, you might find yourself penalized for drug use. So, if you need to take a drug test, it is advisable to refrain from using hemp lotion and other CBD products for at least a few days before the test.

What Are The Best Sources Of Stem Cells?

Stem cell therapy has become one of the most popular and effective life-saving therapies. Be it any chronic or mortal disease, stem cell therapy can hold the potency of saving lives even when the recovery chance is the least. Probably, we all have heard of the term bone marrow transplant, which can treat leukemia, bone marrow disorders, various other forms of blood group disorders, and several other cancers. In this therapy, the stem cells present in the bone marrow assume the structure of the cells in the affected area of the body and help regenerate the cells in that area.

Little do we know that the stem cells can get collected from other sources in our body with more ease and those cells are more effective compared to the stem cells derived from bone marrow. Yes, we are talking about the stem cells collected from the umbilical cord blood and other sources of our body. While they are easy to collect and preserve, these cells’ efficacy is higher than the stem cells derived from other sources.

Therefore, here, we have penned down all the best sources of stem cells in this blog.

The best sources to derive stem cells.

Since stem cell banking costs have got reduced extensively, many people go for this option to secure the health of their little ones and families concurrently. But, before banking the stem cells, you need to know what the top sources of these cells are.

The Chorion and Decidua of the Placenta, Amniotic fluid, and Amniotic sac are the best sources to collect stem cells. Although the cells can get collected from several other body parts, these sources provide better stem cells in terms of quantity and quality.

If you find it tough to locate the source, you can go through the following sections.

● Placenta

The embryo features several layers around it. So, as per the medical professionals, the placenta is the outermost layer of the embryo.

● Amniotic sac

The amniotic sac resembles a bag full of fluid. It stays inside the uterus, and the baby grows in it.

● Amniotic fluid

The fluid that fills the amniotic sac is called the amniotic fluid. While the little one inhales and exhales the fluid to stay healthy and alive, the liquid also works as a cushion against the mother’s abdomen.

The features and benefits of stem cells derived from various sources in the human body

As per several clinical research and medical journals, stem cell therapy is one of the most effective ways to treat various disorders. Such health conditions can include cancers, bone marrow disorders, arthritis, diabetes, genetic disorders, blood-related issues, and other medical conditions.

So, such efficacy and minimal stem cell banking costs make people go for the stem cell banking option. For a better understanding, we have noted several benefits and stem cell characteristics collected from the best sources.

● Stem cells from umbilical cord blood and cord tissues

New parents can bank the umbilical cord blood and cord tissue stem cells after both natural and C-section delivery of the baby. If we now talk about the cell multiplication efficacy of the umbilical cord stem cells, the cord tissue stem cells multiply every ten days. But, the cord blood stem cell can redouble up to 30 times.

Therefore, while storing the cord blood stem cells, it is significant to collect an ample number of cells. The umbilical cord blood and cord tissue stem cells can treat an extensive range of medical conditions, including- leukemia, thalassemia, blood cancer, marrow disorder, stroke, osteoarthritis, fractures, and many others.

● The amniotic sac and fluid stem cells

After the delivery of the child, you can store the amniotic sac and amniotic fluid stem cells at an affordable cord blood bank of $19.99/month. While these cells multiply every 36 hours, medical professionals use them to treat diabetes, autism, several memory disorders, and cardiac conditions.

● Placenta stem cells

Stem cells derived from the placenta after childbirth feature the potency of multiplying every 36 hours. While they can treat all the diseases mentioned in previous points, placenta stem cells can treat cerebral palsy, aging, hair fall, spinal cord injury, acne, and other health conditions.

Everything You Must Learn About Behavioural Health

It has often been witnessed that we are more concerned about our physical ailments, but we often tend to overlook the issue of mental health.

We should never ignore our mental health, and it should get the utmost priority above everything. Taking care of our mental health falls under the spectrum of Behavioral health. We must nurture sound behavioral health in our daily life.

The nature of the Problem

Behavioral Health is a vast spectrum. It is not restricted to any single disease or ailment. It involves a wide array of challenges and difficulties, faced by a large section of people in society.

The most intriguing fact that is related to it, is that behavioral disorders are not easily recognizable. These are intricate and quite ingrained in human nature. They sometimes become a part and parcel of day-to-day activities.

People may avoid them as petty issues, or they can feel embarrassed to express them. They can also be negligent towards it. This can make the situation worse to a point where a person may feel it difficult to resume their normal life.

Behavioral health is often misinterpreted as a subject that deals with mental health only. But it is only the partial truth. Behavioral health is relatively more extensive. Mental health issues are only a part of it.

Behavioral health works in every field where an individual’s physical and social well-being matters to a large extent.

It has become essential to understand such behavioral complexities, and only professional care centers can render possible solutions to those who are coping with it.

Deerfield behavioral health organization aims to extend a helping hand to you, where you can speak freely about your problems without any hesitation.

Objectives of Behavioral health and treatment

Habits and behavior are not innate in human beings. People acquire such habits through various processes of life skills. When any such behavior is abnormal, you must seek medical and therapeutic help.

Organizations for Deerfield behavioral health are thus committed to rendering you the support.

Types of behavioral adversities

Before we probe into the discussion of how behavioral therapy should be restored among a wide range of people, it is very important to know what are the different categories of problems one may encounter.

These problems, surprisingly, are quite common. The behavioral disorder can range from eating disorders, drinking and smoking habits, fear, anxiousness, anger, phobia, or despair.

It can also encompass lifestyle disorders like obesity and diabetes coupled with depression. Behavioral issues can also occur to those who are constantly battling the menace of alcoholism, drug abuse, and suicidal tendencies.

Such problems are not confined to any particular age or gender. Young adults, pregnant women, or women who are in the phase of embracing motherhood can easily fall victim to any such behavioral discrepancies.

Even the children with learning difficulties or the older generation with a sense of insecurity, and helplessness are not free from it. Couples with marriage and conjugal issues also can be victims of behavioral health hazards. Deerfield behavioral health thus can be an excellent choice to resolve all such problems.

Behavioral Treatment

Deerfield behavioral health organization has been helping the needy, for quite long years, through all kinds of facilities. It is quite popular for its multidisciplinary activities that are based purely on medicine, care, and support or counseling sessions.

It is known for facilitating the patients in matters of choosing the right kind of therapy, regular interactions with their doctors, rehabilitation assistance, and outpatient care.

The organization offers help through well-trained doctors, nurses, healthcare professionals, and psychiatrists. Each caregiver has a registered license that vouches for their competence.

It entrusts reliance among the patients on getting treatment by the right kind of people having profound knowledge of the various fields they are working.

Three Simple Steps to Ordering Your Own Lab Tests Online

Online lab test ordering is a highly convenient method to arrange the various medical tests that are required to assess and confirm your health condition. There may be occasions when you need to order lab tests due to varied reasons. During such situations, it will be practically prudent for you to choose a perfect and reliable lab. Such an arrangement is imperative to ensure the preciseness of the medical tests that you take. For instance, when individuals suffer from chronic diseases frequent lab tests will be a necessity. Likewise, many people will have fitness objectives, and it’s natural to have such goals. Everybody will wish to lead a healthy life throughout their lifespan. To achieve this aim, everyone will have individual health goals. Hence, one will wish to have a lab test to corroborate their fitness level. That said, online lab test ordering is very easy in our time. You can order lab tests online these days.

However, you must make sure that the lab you choose for online lab test ordering must have all the latest technological tools. Besides, the management must be by efficient medical professionals. Some labs offer confidential lab testing facilities at affordable rates. They take due care and attention to provide precise medical test facilities to the common people. Such labs work methodically and give utmost priority to customer satisfaction. The management will be medical professionals or persons with medical backgrounds who believe in medical ethics. Their sole aim will not be to make money. Even though they are in business, they will be highly keen on providing the latest medical testing facilities to their customers. Their testing results will be precise. This service will be of great help to many people who want to test privately and at the same time wish to have precise results. Some of the tests that they undertake include CBC, CMP, Diabetes Screen, Thyroid panel, Liver panel, Cholesterol panel, Cologuard, etc. You will be able to take these tests by the online lab test ordering method.

Three Simple Steps to Ordering Your Own Lab Tests Online

• When you find a suitable lab, you must enter the website and search for the appropriate page where the provision is provided for the order placing. Here, you will have to register your name by providing all the personal details, including name, address, phone number, etc. Then, you must use the search box that will be given there to find the list of the tests. There will be a complete list of the medical tests that the lab provides. You must tick all the relevant columns and submit them. That said, you must strictly follow the instruction that appears on the screen. Instantaneously, the lab test order will be generated. There will be a confirmation letter, which will describe the next steps that you will have to take.

• Once you get the lab test order, you must take a copy of the same and visit the lab. Remember, there will be detailed instructions along with the lab order and the doctor’s order. You must go through these and must prepare accordingly for taking the test. You must be in the lab before the given time for the online lab test ordering.

• Now, you can wait for the results. The lab will inform you through mail or Whatsapp, or any other suitable method of the date you can download your result. If it’s an urgent case, you will be able to receive the lab result much early. You can also contact the lab and collect the result personally if you want to have it like that.

However, the first thing that you will have to do is to find out a medical lab that is managed perfectly. Make sure that the management personnel have high medical qualifications and are experienced. Remember, relevant qualifications and hands-on experience make a lot of difference as far as the preciseness of the test and result are concerned. Besides, there must be all the appropriate technological tools and machinery in the lab. The proximity is also highly significant as it will give you the leeway to visit the lab conveniently.