Pros, Cons, and Side Effects of IV Therapy: What You Need to Know

Intravenous therapy, also known as IV therapy, is generally associated with medical conditions and emergencies. Although IV therapy aids in severe health condition treatments, it is not the only use of IV therapy.

Intravenous therapy can be used for blood transfusion, fluid replacement, delivering nutrients, hangover cure, circulating medication, etc.

Hence IV therapy in Salt Lake City has many different functions and is commonly used as IV vitamin therapy to supply the body with the needed vitamins in case of a deficiency. However, like any other medical treatment, IV therapy has some pros, cons, and side effects.

Let us discuss these in detail.

What is IV therapy?

Intravenous refers to delivery through the veins. In Iv therapy, the medication, nutrients, vitamins, fluid, and blood products are directly injected into the bloodstream with the help of an IV line.

The method is very effective in pumping blood products and medicine directly into the circulatory system during emergencies. However, it can also be used for infection control, malnutrition, dehydration, wound care, etc.

What are the pros of IV therapy?

Here are some of the advantages that IV therapy offers:

1. Quicker results

Intravenous therapy provides quicker results in comparison to oral medication. In the case of oral medication, the medicine passes through the digestive tract and the gut before it reaches the bloodstream. The entire process can take a lot of time.

Hence, in case of emergencies, IV therapy is preferred over oral medicines. The medicines are directly introduced into the bloodstream leading to faster transmission and recovery.

IV therapy, Salt Lake City, is also beneficial in case of dehydration.

2. Customizable dose

Our bodies differ in numerous ways, especially in terms of nutrition requirements. Your body may be deficient in one or more vitamins and may find it difficult to absorb them from food.

An IV drip can be customized according to your nutritional requirements. The exact quantities of vitamins and minerals can be offered with the help of a tailor-made IV drip.

3. Bypasses the gastrointestinal system and the digestion process

The absorption of food and supplements occur after they pass the gastrointestinal and digestive system. However, if you are dealing with gut problems like leaky gut syndrome, your body may not be able to absorb the nutrients completely.

Also, when you are unwell, the body diverts the energy from the digestive system, which can lead to improper absorption. Hence an IV therapy in Salt Lake City can be beneficial in such a case as it provides your body with all the nutrition required.

What are the cons of IV therapy?

Despite its numerous benefits, IV therapy has a few disadvantages. These are mentioned below.

1. Not for regular treatment

An IV therapy has faster results and is beneficial in case of emergencies. However, if you are suffering from minor health issues, it may not be necessary to undergo IV therapy. The treatment method can become cumbersome and inconvenient in the case of long-term treatments.

2. Pain and bruising

IV therapy involves pricking a needle into your veins to deliver the fluids. Hence it is an invasive process, and you may encounter some pain, discomfort, and bruises.

Also, it should be monitored by a professional as it is essential to insert the needle into the vein properly.

What are the side effects of IV therapy?

Like other medical treatments, IV therapy can also have some side effects. These are mentioned below.

1. Chances of infection

The opening caused when inserting the needle can come in contact with microbes and result in an infection.

2. Vein inflammation and rashes

You may experience swelling and rashes after the IV therapy.

3. Air embolism

Air bubbles may enter the veins through the IV drip. This can block the vein and restrict the blood flow.

The side effects of IV therapy can be reduced immensely by choosing a qualified professional for the job.