Top Six Questions About Neurofeedback

Neurofeedback has been around for decades. However, it has gathered immense popularity in recent years. The process has proven to be beneficial in numerous conditions, but there is a lot of curiosity among people about neurofeedback.

Before you search for “neurofeedback near me”, it is essential to understand the process completely to make an informed decision. If you are looking for answers to any such questions relating to neurofeedback, this article is for you. Here are the top six questions about neurofeedback.

1. What is Neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback is also referred to as EEG, Neurotherapy, or biofeedback. It is the measurement of the electrical activity of the brain.

Neurofeedback uses equipment and technologies to identify patterns and irregularities in your brain functioning. It then uses visual or audio cues to modify these patterns.

Neurofeedback does not target any specific issue or conditions. It only helps in restoring your brain to normal functioning and provides you with a healthy brain and body.

Over time, the activation of healthy patterns in your brain helps in correcting any abnormalities and a wide variety of health conditions.

Neurofeedback does not involve the use of any medication or chemicals. The patient slowly learns to regulate their brains and body functions in ways beneficial for physical and mental wellbeing.

2. What are the conditions that can benefit from neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback helps treat several conditions. Every individual is unique and so is their requirement. The neurofeedback can be designed to suit your unique brain activity.

Hence, the treatment can be beneficial for numerous conditions like learning disability, OCD, ADHD, ADD stroke, etc. It can also help patients with memory loss, anxiety, and depression

If you have irregular sleep patterns or stress related to work or any other reason, Neurotherapy can be helpful. It can also be used for the treatment of Traumatic Brain Injury, concussions, and autism.

The treatment can help people with various mental conditions. However, it can also be used for various other purposes. If you want to increase your productivity or enhance clarity, you can start looking for “Neurofeedback near me”.

Many athletes, experts, scholars, and other professionals use neurofeedback to achieve optimum brain functioning. This improves their performance capabilities and helps in achieving desired goals.

3. Is neurofeedback the same as biofeedback?

Neurofeedback is a type of biofeedback and is used by many people interchangeably. Biofeedback refers to targeting and regulating any body part or function.

Neurofeedback is specifically targeted towards observing and modifying brainwave patterns. It involves training of the central nervous system and feedback of the brain activity. Nowadays, the term “biofeedback” refers to monitoring the feedback of physical signals relating to the vegetative nervous system.

4. What are the side effects of neurofeedback?

Before you start your online search for “neurofeedback near me”, it is essential to learn its side effects.

As with any treatment method, neurofeedback has a few side effects. However, the impact of treatment methods differs from person to person. The side effects of brain mapping slowly improve. However, some patients may find themselves incompatible with the treatment method.

If you experience any severe after-effects of the treatment, you should consult with your professional. An experienced professional can modify the sessions and help in reducing the side effects considerably.

Some of the side effects of neurofeedback are

• Anxiety
• Depression
• Muscle tension
• Headache
• dizziness
• Cognitive impairment
• Fatigues

5. How many neurofeedback sessions are required for treatment?

Every person is different and has different reasons to choose neurofeedback. Hence, the number of treatment sessions required differs in each case. Some people achieve results faster than others, while some may need time to see any visible results.

6. Is neurofeedback painful?

No, neurofeedback is not a painful process. However, some patients may experience headaches post-sessions. In such a case, they should consult their practitioner, who can modify the sessions accordingly.