What Does an Indoor Tanning Bed Lotion Do?

Anyone who visits a tanning salon will have noticed that there seems to be an endless selection of indoor tanning bed lotions. They come in a variety of formulations, scents, and sizes all with different key ingredients. It can be a little daunting for people who just want a good tan that lasts. What do these lotions do and which ones are the best? Are they even necessary?
What Do Indoor Tanning Bed Lotions Do?
Tanning bed lotions are formulated specifically to help people achieve the best tan possible. Nobody wants to waste their time and money in a tanning salon by not getting the most out of each session.
Tanning lotions help get the most out of each session in a number of ways. First, they keep the skin moisturized which helps the tan to develop more evenly. Look for lotions that contain deep moisturizing ingredients like argan oil and cocoa and/or shea butters. Properly hydrated skin tans more evenly and deeply. Indoor tanning bed lotions should be used just before a tanning session as well as daily in order to keep the skin properly moisturized and hydrated.
Tanning bed lotions also help to deepen the tan. While each type of lotion uses a different method of deepening the color, they all promote a deeper tan in fewer salon appointments. Accelerators, tinglers, and bronzers all help to develop a deeper, darker tan.
Finally, tanning bed lotions help tans look great for longer. The ingredients in these lotions are formulated to help the skin to maintain a tan for as long as possible. It is important to apply indoor tanning bed lotions regularly in order to get the most benefit out of them.
Types of Tanning Bed Lotions
There are a few common types of tanning bed lotions that all use different ingredients to help achieve a deep, long-lasting tan while hydrating the skin.
1) Accelerator Tanning Lotions
These indoor tanning bed lotions are highly moisturizing and they promote a natural-looking tan. Many people start using accelerator lotions when they first start to tan in indoor beds. They are best for achieving a really good base tan.
2) Tingle Lotions
Tingle lotions are aptly named. The ingredients in these lotions cause increased blood flow to the surface of the skin which causes a tingling sensation. More blood flow means more oxygen in the upper layers of the skin and results in a darker, longer-lasting tan. Tingle lotions come in a variety of strengths. It is suggested to start with a gentle tingle lotion and then move to more intense tinglers, especially for people who have sensitive skin. Some people find these lotions uncomfortable while others love the tingling sensation.
3) Bronzers
Bronzers add another level of tanning to the skin. They use ingredients that cause skin cells to turn brown even without an indoor tanning bed. Many people use bronzing lotions between tanning sessions in order to avoid fading.
Are Tanning Lotions Necessary
People debate the need for tanning lotions, but they really do play an important role in getting an even, long-lasting, and natural looking tan. Tanning, both indoors and outdoors, causes very dry skin. When tanned skin gets dry, it sloughs off and takes the tan with it. To get the most out of your time in the tanning bed, people should use an indoor tanning lotion.
Be warned that lotions that are not formulated for use in a tanning bed can ruin the bed. Most salons have strict rules about what types of lotions are allowed before a tanning session.
How to Choose
Choosing the best tanning lotion from the seemingly endless selection can be a little confusing. It comes down to personal preference. If one type of lotion is not working, try a different type or brand of indoor tanning bed lotion.
Once someone has decided on the best type of lotion for them, they should look for other characteristics like scent, feel, and price. Some tanning lotions boast anti-aging ingredients and firming components. Others may include special ingredients like caffeine, green tea extract, and even hair regrowth inhibitors.
Finding the right indoor tanning bed lotion can take some trial and error but knowing more about what is available on the market makes it much easier.