What is the Right Medication for Bacterial Vaginosis?

Bacterial vaginosis is a common vaginal infection, especially for women in the age group of fifteen to forty-five years. If you are experiencing an abnormal amount of vaginal discharge with an unpleasant smell, the reason could be the infection named bacterial vaginosis.

Bacterial vaginosis can increase your risk of other sexually transmitted diseases and needs immediate treatment if your pregnant. Also, if you are planning to have gynecologic surgery, like a hysterectomy or abortion, you should be checked and treated for bacterial vaginosis first.

Bacterial vaginosis medications include simple antibiotics. However, if the infections return and the symptoms persist, a longer course of antibiotics may be required.

Read further to know more about bacterial vaginosis and its treatment, complications, and effectiveness of medications for Cold Sores, Chlamydia, Trichomoniasis.

Symptoms of bacterial vaginosis

Before you start your treatment, it is essential to be sure that the infection is bacterial vaginosis.

The most common symptom of the ailment is an abnormal amount of thin, grayish-white discharge with an unpleasant smell. The smell can get stronger, especially after intercourse. Vaginal discomfort, itchiness, or a burning sensation could also indicate the possibility of infection.

Most of the time these signs may go unnoticed. Therefore, if you feel any discomfort down there, it is advisable to consult your health care provider for a proper diagnosis.

The best treatment for bacterial vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis is caused due to an imbalance of bacteria in the vagina. This could be cured easily with antibiotics.

These medications are available in the form of cream, oral tablets, or vaginal suppositories. The most recommended treatments for bacterial vaginosis include:

1. Metronidazole capsules.

These are some of the most preferred treatments for bacterial vaginosis. The medicine needs to be taken orally and is effective in curing bacterial vaginosis.

The recommended dosed of the medicine are 500 mg pills for seven days. You need to take the medication twice daily to eliminate the infection.

2. Metronidazole vaginal gel

Just like Metronidazole capsules, Metronidazole vaginal gel can help reduce the outgrowth of bacteria in your vaginal area and help relieve the infection.

The recommended usage of the medication is applying the gel once a day for five days.

3. Clindamycin vaginal cream

Another popular medication for bacterial vaginosis treatment is clindamycin vaginal cream. The cream is extremely easy to use and relieves vaginal discomfort and itchiness. The medication needs to be applied for five days to eliminate the infection.

All of the above three medications work very well and have proven to eliminate bacterial vaginosis quickly. Also, it is essential to follow through the entire course of medication to rule out any future recurrences.

The signs and symptoms may disappear early depending on the antibiotic and severity of infection. However, you should continue using the medication as prescribed. Stopping the treatment can lead to the development of more resistant strains of bacteria.

Choose the medication as per your preferences

While all three creams for bacterial vag, you should choose the one that suits you the most. Decide what works best for you: pills or creams. Also, you can consult your health care provider to get their recommendations before making any decision. Generally, Pills have more side effects as compared to creams and gels.

Side effects of using medication

Vagina has a small number of bacteria that are essential for your vaginal health. An outgrowth leads to issues like bacterial vaginosis and other infections.

The antibiotic medication kills the harmful bacteria as well as the good bacteria present in the vagina. This can disrupt the vaginal balance and lead to yeast infection, causing itching and a thick white discharge.

Metronidazole generally leaves behind a metallic taste. The pills can also cause nausea, vomiting, headache, and stomach pain. The risk of clindamycin includes Clostridioides Difficile diarrhea and yeast infection.

Now that you know all about bacterial vaginosis, its symptoms, medication, and side effects, you can make a well-informed decision about your preferred treatment.